Trunch Parish Council
Latest News
The Warm Room at Trunch recommences on Monday 2nd December at Blacksmiths Close community centre. The room will be open from 12.30pm to 3.30pm, come along for some company and refreshments. We hope to see you there. The Warm Room is available on Mondays 12.30pm to 3.30pm through the winter months.
The benefits team at North Norfolk District Council have put together a help and advice page in response to the latest announcement by Government regarding Energy Levy and Council Tax rebate.
Here are the links:
the Advice and Support web page has now been updated and can be found here:- Home | Advice and support (north-norfolk.gov.uk)
Revenues have added an update to the council web site regarding the Council Tax Rebate which can be found here :-
Latest Councillor Vacancy
NOTICE of Vacancy from the District Council
Trunch Parish Council have vacancies for Parish Councillors…
If you are interested about getting involved with decisions concerning:
Our village
Our local environment
Our recreational facilities
Planning & housing issues
By helping to make a difference to our community
Please contact the Parish Clerk for further details on clerk@trunchparishcouncil.co.uk or via phone on 07818 026809